• I have been using a Scarlett 2i2 1st Gen for several years as the core of my AV home studio. I love the quality sound and decided I would treat myself to a new 3rd Gen version. This unit is much easier than the 1G to open: Simply take the rear two feet off and uncrew two chassis screws. The whole assembly then slides out the front. Thanks Focusrite! I was surprised that my November 2020 purchase has a different layout from another 3G I had seen...the capacitor values are the same but the locations have moved. 1G models were advertised with: "two high quality award-winning Focusrite mic circuits." This feature is not mentioned on the 3G so it appears Focurite has dropped the statement.

    BELOW: The new 2i2 is an impressive device with excellent specs and sound quality. Its relies heavily on SMD parts. SMDs may seem boring compared to discrete parts and some are suspicious of their sound. But I find SMDs to have low distortion with accurate, musical response. Focusrite still uses general purpose electrolytics in places however. Since SMDs are available up to 4700uf I'm puzzled over the choice.


    The mirror-image layout of the two mic inputs passing in from the front is easy to see. Each mic preamp has a 1000uf 6.3V SK (General purpose) Jamicon cap. A JRC 2122 op amp is used on each channel which is "an ultra low noise dual operational amplifier...the features of ultra low noise, low operating voltage, and low saturation voltage are suitable for microphone amplifier of digital audio items such as portable MD,DAT,and others".

    In front are four Capxon 47uf 63V which appear to be on the 48V mic inputs. Hidden next to them under the pot board are four tiny 22uf 16V Capxon SS (7mm) . The four at the bottom left are also Capxon 47uf 63V. Small value (22uf) decoupling caps are scattered about.


    BELOW: The most interesting find are two Shenzhen Yuscon 100uf 16V TM capacitors. The TM is listed in the Yuscon catalog as "Low impedance for high frequency" and for "audio special and medical equipment". Labeled LOWESR these appear to be on the headphone jack circuit.


    Changing the caps in the digital part of the circuit is not going to change the sound quality of ones and zeros. This means if this is used solely as a USB sound card no mods are needed.

    I like the 2i2 3G. The sound quality is musically textured, dynamic, and transients are clean and quiet. Through headphones the sound is clean strong. The solder job from the factory was excellent but with leads bent over I wasn't confident that I could desolder without causing damage to the traces. So I left it stock. For an analog circuit as critical as a microphone preamp I'm puzzled why general purpose caps are used on the inputs. If I were a manufacturer I would use audio grade electrolytics and write a feature/benefit statement that audio-quality parts are used inside. People who spend a small fortune on microphones, interconnects, speakers, and sound proofing for home studios expect this. I have a MSI Gaming motherboard that made a big deal about using audio-grade caps and even put a photo of them on the box. So its not like this is an oddity. Maybe for the 4G version we'll see some new parts used. The difference in price for just a few capacitors would be less than $2. © 1997-2024
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